Thursday, July 16, 2020

Water, Water, Everywhere!

Have you ever just had the casual feeling of dry mouth, dizziness, and just very unusual exhaustion? There is a good chance you could just be dehydrated. 

Dehydration is a symptom that can occur in conjunction with many other diseases and ailments but you also might just not be taking in enough fluids. Did you know that 60% of your body weight is liquid? You need water to help your body control your temperature, protect tissues and organs, and help get rid of waste.

According to the Mayo Clinic, men need approximately 15 cups of fluids a day and women need 11 cups to stay healthy. Only 20% of your daily intake of fluids comes from food. People need to consume liquid to function due to the amount of water they lose through just breathing, perspiration, and using the restroom. As the weather gets warmer and more of us are spending time outdoors, staying hydrated is more important than ever! 

For more information on Dehydration and How to Stay Hydrated: