Thursday, March 11, 2021

Are you sleeping? Are you sleeping....

The average human adult needs about 7 hours of sleep per day in order to properly function. However, many people suffer from sleep-related disorders. Close to 70 million people in the US suffer from some sleep-related issue. The most common disorders are sleep apnea, insomnia, and restless leg syndrome.

The inability to get a good night of sleep can put a lot of stress on a person. Your entire day can be affected by a lack of rest. Some tips for getting a good night of sleep include: 

  • Having a consistent bedtime and nighttime routine
  • Sleeping in a relaxed and comfortable environment
  • Avoiding caffeine or sweets close to bedtime
  • Getting exercise earlier in the day
If you still have trouble sleeping after trying different things, you should consult a physician for a sleep intervention. You could be one of the millions of people that have a specific sleep disorder and need to take different steps to ensure a good night of rest.

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