Thursday, June 11, 2020


Throbbing 1 sided discomfort. Nausea. Shooting pain down your neck. Aura. Strained vision.

If all of this sounds familiar, then you may be one of the 3 million people that suffer from migraines each year. Migraines are often misunderstood as there can be so many different causes for them yet no specific cure. Lifestyle changes can help to mitigate the pain even lessen the frequency, but finding the best way to cope with migraines may be the best way to handle them.

Ways to cope: 
  • avoid triggers; caffeine, alcohol, stress
  • get plenty of sleep
  • keep track of your medications and side effects
  • maintain a healthy diet
  • learn your family health history
It is also important to take charge as soon as a migraine strikes. Do not wait to treat it as it could potentially worsen. There are several proven medications that can quickly dissipate your headache, however, you should consult a physician before deciding on a medicinal treatment. Home remedies are also good too! Ice packs and essential oils may or may not relieve your symptoms but they could help to alleviate some of the stress caused by a painful migraine.   

Migraine Information