Thursday, April 30, 2020

Hobbies, Habits and New found activities

As each day brings something new to all of us, we adapt right along with it. Spending so much time at home can be daunting for some and comforting for many others. Trying to look at a situation with rose-colored glasses isn't always easy either, but many of us have been coping by trying out new activities and creating new routines to keep us motivated each and every day. Is there a certification you have been putting off? Do you have a recipe book from your great Aunt Bertha that has been collecting dusk but is full of gems? Is your sister having a baby and you need to get her something 'meaningful' but you don't know what to craft? 

Now-a-days people pride themselves on having "Masters' in YouTube" but perhaps there is something to that. There is so much free and original content on there, that you can essentially find the answer to anything you want. Some suggestions for how-tos to look for on you-tube are:

One thing to keep in mind about YouTube is that because there is not necessarily a paywall with these videos (you can get the paid subscription so that you don't have to see ads) there is no guarantee that the people you are watching and learning from are certified instructors. However, this does open up a world where YOU can also add your own knowledge as well if you have something people could learn from.

Check out other learning platforms with certified instructors and ideas for new hobbies: