Monday, December 16, 2019

Prepare to be Prepared

You never know what old man winter will bring. You could wake up to icy roads, snowy sidewalks, and treacherous winds! Leaving the house might not even be an option for a lot of people. If you are prepared for winter weather before it hits, then you won't have anything to worry about once it arrives! Some tips to keeping your home safe during the winter are: 

  • Heating your home safely
  • Have battery-powered lights
  • Use generators correctly
  • Conserve heat
  • Keep babies and older adults warm
  • Store extra food and Clean water
You may be exposed to the elements despite not wanting to be. Being sure that you are prepared no matter what the situation is. In order to stay safe outdoors, it is important that you:
  • Stay dry
  • Wear lots of layers! Its easier to remove layers than to add them once you are outside.
  • Stay off of ice
  • Don't overexert yourself with outdoor activities
For more helpful winter tips:

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Resolve to be Productive!

Baby its cold outside! Temperatures in Ohio have been fluctuating from the high 10s to the high 50s. If you haven't gotten sick yet, knock on some wood because you are a lucky duck. If you have gotten sick, then you know all too well what it's like to take advantage of being stuck in the house. Whether you had to work from home, drag yourself from room to room to clean or just take care of your normal adulting responsibilities while also trying to take care of yourself, being stuck in the house is generally no fun.

But! With a little motivation, you can turn your snow/sick days into productive days! If you are feeling up to it, spring clean in the winter. Even our homes can pack on the pounds in the winter, and now is a great time to clear out unwanted items. Many organizations will even come to your home to pick-up things you want to donate. Click here to locate your local Salvation Army. 

Want to hang out with friends but you want to save money? Invite them over! Besides, you are helping to build their immune system too! More and more people are opting for nights in for a variety of reasons, and with streaming services being readily available, it's becoming even easier to entertain friends by offering very little.

For more ideas on how to be productive in the winter:

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Mental Health in the Winter

Wintertime can be the most wonderful time of the year for many of us, but it can also be a difficult time for many others. The snow glistening off of treetops, the beautiful decor everywhere and the fun-filled get-togethers with family and friends always seem to brighten even the grimmest of days. However, there are people who suffer from SAD or Seasonal Affective Disorder. This type of depression affects individuals primarily in the months from October to March or April. People with SAD may experience daytime fatigue, difficulty concentrating, feelings of hopelessness, increased irritability, lack of interest in social activities, lethargy among other things. SAD is not something that only can happen to people in the winter, this disorder can happen during any season.

Seasonal Affective Disorder is a prime reminder of why it is important to promote mental health awareness. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, one in five US adults lives with a mental illness of some type. These can be of varying degrees and one should always be diagnosed by a physician.

If you ever need help, please reach out to one of the many resources out there and know that you are not alone! Also, look out for the warning signs in your loved ones. If you see someone who looks like they need help, get involved!

Helpful Links
National Institute of Mental Health
Seasonal Affective Disorder
National Alliance on Mental Illness