Thursday, September 5, 2019

Cyber Security - Phone Edition

Is your phone your actual “everything?” For many of us, it’s our personal computers in our pocket, our assistant, our window into the world! What if that world stopped spinning? What if someone hacked into your phone? 

A few ways to notice that your phone has been hacked are:

  • Your battery is draining faster than usual
  • Suspicious activity on one or more application
  • Calls are missing
  • Data usage is up 
Someone could have hacked you from a phishing scheme, by you connecting to an unsecured wifi network or even downloading an app that has been compromised. 

If this happens, you should immediately change all passwords and update your accounts. If you have a personal computer or a work computer, you should also make sure you check these devices as well for bugs as well. You never know where your virus may have come from and it's better to be safe and secure everything than to be sorry.

Ways you can protect yourself in the future would be;

  • make sure the websites you visit are credible
    • one way to tell is whether or not it has the "http's'" The 's" means the site is secure
  • never click on pop-ups, especially from sites you are not familiar with
  • never give out your personal information (credit cards, social security number, mothers' maiden name)
Although iPhones tend to be more 'bug' resistant, they are not completely safe. You still need to be wary of click on suspicious links and giving your out your personal information. If you are still not sure of how to keep your phone safe, contact an IT professional for some advice. If your company has an IT company, reach out to them first. 

Helpful (and not suspicious) Links:

Apps you can use to keep your device safe:

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