Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Women's Health

As Mother's Day has just passed us by, this week began National Women's Health Week! Women are encouraged this week to take steps to become healthier during this time. Becoming a healthier YOU isn't just a matter of eating well and getting more exercise, but taking multiple steps to improve your overall well-being. You can achieve better health by:
  • visiting a doctor or nurse for a check-up and preventative screenings
  • getting active and getting more exercise
  • eating healthy
  • paying attention to your mental health
  • getting enough sleep 
  • managing stress
  • stop smoking
  • practice safe driving (like texting and driving, wearing a seat-belt, wear a helmet)
Having an overall state of well being can vary at each age. Despite this, it is still important to evaluate several life factors, including your alcohol and tobacco usage. It is also important to beaware of any family medical history and protecting yourself from the sun. These things could have an effect on you later in life. You will want to stay current on your vaccines too! It is recommended to get the flu, MMR, HPV (if you are under 26) T-dap and hepatitis vaccines.  If you have any violence in your life, seek help immediately! 

Staying healthy can often times be overwhelming, but just making simple changes a little bit at a time can make it a lot more manageable. For information on women's health week, ways you can stay healthy, as well as how to encourage others to do so, check out some of the resources below!