Thursday, March 26, 2020


One of the ways that we as a society can fight the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) is by social distancing. It is recommended that people stay 6 feet away from other people, especially those that are not in their household, during this process when out and about and to overall JUST STAY HOME if possible. It is understandable that not everyone is in a position to work from home and that not everyone has childcare, but we all need to do our part to minimize the risk of spreading this illness. 

Many companies and organizations are offering things like food delivery, free art classes and ways to engage with others without having direct contact. Television service providers are offering free services for the next couple of months and are also using the hashtag #AloneTogether to encourage people to stay in and binge-watch. 

Check out ways to healthy and distanced during this pandemic:

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Benefits of Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding your baby is one of the biggest decisions a mother can make when they are raising their child. There are many benefits both mother and child can experience when breastfeeding however it is a personal choice that only the parents can decide. If you choose to go this route, here are some things that may be good to know: 

  • Breast milk provides good nutrition for babies
  • It contains antibodies to help fight off viruses, bacteria and reduce disease.
  • Breast milk promotes a healthier body weight.
  • You may lose pregnancy weight faster.
  • Money and time will be saved. 

There is lots of support out there for new and new to be mothers that are having issues with lactation and latching. Many hospitals and health care providers either have information for parents or link them to it. There are also lots of organizations where mothers who produce extra milk can donate and help others in need.

If you cannot or choose not to breastfeed, that is ok too. There are resources out there for everyone. The main priority is that your baby receives adequate nutrition. 

Helpful Links:
Incredible facts about babies, breastmilk, and breastfeeding
Nationwide Breastfeeding Goals
Breastfeeding and Ohio WIC
OhioHealth Mothers' Milk Bank
Infant Formula Feeding

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

You Go Girl!

March 8th celebrated International Women's Day. This is a day that celebrates and recognizes the achievements made by women across the world as well as helps to bring awareness to the every day unique struggles that women face as well. The first International Women's Day was recognized in 1911 and now the entire month of March serves as Women's History Month. 

Throughout American history, women have made massive gains to society and their contributions are undoubtedly tremendous. From the life raft to kevlar to everyone's favorite game Monopoly, women have been some of the most creative people in history.

As we honor all of the important contributions by women this month, it is also important to shine awareness on the many risk factors that face women as well. Women seem to be more at risk for heart disease, breast cancer, and stroke. It is important to know your family history and to take care of your health to ensure a healthy future. 

Helpful Links:
Women's History Month
Women's Day 2020
10 Female Inventors You should Know about
Women's Health Conditions

Thursday, March 5, 2020

You have to be Kidney-ing me!

What are your kidneys? These are organs that help your body pass waste and also help to filter your blood before sending it back to your heart. Your kidneys can also help by creating hormones that help produce red blood cells, promote bone health and regulate your blood pressure. 

It is important that you take care of your kidneys so that you do not develop one of the many kidney diseases and disorders that affect many Americans. People with poor kidney health may have kidney failure, kidney stones, cysts, UTI or maybe something more serious. Symptoms may include, trouble sleeping, fatigue, urinary issues, and muscle cramps. It is important to see a physician to get a correct diagnosis if any of these symptoms occur or worsen. 

There are many ways you can maintain good kidney health! Here are a few:
  • Avoid extra salt and sodium
  • Get 20 minutes of exercise a day
  • Drink lots of water
  • Be careful using anti-inflammatories and other medications that can cause kidney damage
  • Get tested for diabetes and high blood pressure
  • Know your family medical history

Learn More about Kidney Health: